We currently source intrapreneurs and concepts from Fujitsu's global pool of 125,000+ employees, but in the future we may open opportunities to external founders and entrepreneurs-in-residence. We open an application and interview process a couple times per year. From a large number of applications, we select a handful of founders and ideas which demonstrate:

🎯 A compelling concept rooted in firsthand evidence of a real problem to solve

🤝 A high degree of founder-opportunity fit (meaning, a strong match between the founder’s experience and skills, and the problem to be solved)

In potential founders, we look for exceptional levels of:

🎨 Creativity

🧠 Problem solving capabilities

🧭 Strategic decision making in ambiguous environments

📚 Intellectual curiosity

🔍 Critical thinking

❤️ Obsessive user-focus

💬 Effective communication skills

We then embark on an intensive 3-month period of research, ideation and validation, with the most commercially viable ventures receiving further investment and incubation support. Throughout the entire incubation process (from zero to spin out), intrapreneurs work alongside the Launchpad team to conceptualize, build and grow the venture.